Friday, April 29, 2011

Mystery Cloth 1 (second half)

Here is the rest of the mystery cloth!  My daughter took over the protocol as her own.  She uses it to scrub herself down every bath time.  She wants me to make her a butterfly one next so keep a look out for the pattern soon!  I am also working on a cherry blossom pattern.  Trying to perfect it to my liking.  Enjoy!

row 32: k4, p4, k1, p1, k1, p3, k1, p1, k1, p3, k1, p1, k1, p4, k4
row 34: k4, p4, k1, p1, k5, p1, k5, p1, k1, p4, k4
row 36: k4, p4, k1, p13, k1, p4, k4
row 38: k4, p3, k17, p3, k4
row 40: k4, p4, k1, p13, k1, p4, k4
row 42: k4, p5, k1, p11, k1, p5, k4
row 44: k4, p6, k1, p9, k1, p6, k4
row 46: k4, p6, k2, p7, k1, p7, k4
row 48: k4, p6, k1, p1, k1, p5, k1, p8, k4
row 50: k4, p6, k1, p1, k2, p3, k1, p9, k4
row 52: k4, p6, k3, p1, k1, p1, k1, p10, k4
row 54: k4, p11, k1, p11, k4
row 56: k4, 23, k4
row 58: k
row 60: k
row 62: k
row 64: k
row 66: bind off/cast off
weave in ends

Miss Rabbit

A close up of the Easter Bunny my grandmother made Kara. All of it was made by her. Even the dress. The dress has a little pouch on the back so Kara can put her pjs in there for safe keeping. She painted the face by hand no less! I grew up receiving these unique gifts and now it melts my heart that Kara is able to have one too. My grandmother is truly the best and I get all of my creativity from her!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! I know my family did! My family came over for brunch and we had an Easter Egg hunt. Then we spent some time at my in-laws. My daughter was so thrilled to receive a visit from the Easter Bunny.

Here's a picture of my daughter, nieces, and nephew posing with their hand made Easter bunnies my grandmother made them. They were absolutely thrilled!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Mystery Cloth 1 ( first half)

I recently taught myself how to make knitting patterns on graph paper.  Other than headbands, I've been addicted to knitting dish/wash cloths.  As a cool project we can all do together, I've decided to start a sort of mystery cloth.  No pictures, just a few directions once a week.  It's a pretty simple pattern, just knit and purl.  You can use them as washcloths in the shower or when giving your child a bath.  You can also use it in the kitchen as a dishcloth, towel, or cleaning rag.  They really are so versatile! 

What you'll need is:
size 3 needles
color of choice cotton yarn (any is fine, I prefer to use Lily Sugar'n Cream yarn. ) You can get it at ACMoore or Michael's or any craft store in your area.

Cast on 31 s

row 1: (and all other odd rows) K
row 2: k 
row 4: k
row 6: k
row 8: k
row 10: k4, p23, k4

row 12: k4, p4, k15, p4, k4
row 14: k4, p4, k1, p4, k1, p3, k1, p4, k1, p4, k4
row 16: k4, p4, k1, p4, k1, p3, k1, p4, k1, p4, k4
row 18: k4, p4, k1, p4, k2, p2, k1, p4, k1, p4, k4
row 20: k4, p4, k1, p4, k1, p3, k1, p4, k1, p4, k4

row 22: k4, p4, k1, p4, k1, p3, k1, p4, k1, p4, k4

row 24: k4, p4, k1, p4, k5, p4, k1, p4, k1, p4, k4
row 26: k4, p4, k1, p13, k1, p4, k4
row 28: k4, p4, k1, p1, k5, p1, k5, p1, k1, p4, k4
row 30: k4, p4, k1, p1, k1, p3, k1, p1, k1, p3, k1, p1, k1, p4, k4


My latest creation inspired by my daughter!  These specific wristlets are being shipped out to my friend Tara for her 2 girls and little sister. 
 These look so cute on!

Here's the original wristlet I made for my daughter.

This is what it looks on.

The wristlets are 2 for $5.00 and $1.00 shipping. 
 I can mail to anywhere in the U.S. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Perfect Play-dough Recipe

To all teachers, mommies, daddies, friends, and family of small children:

This has been the best recipe by far. Usually play-dough will dry out quickly and crumble, but not this one. My friend Susan from my last preschool job shared this one with me, and I want to share it will all lf you!

2 cups of flour
1 cup of salt
2 to 4 teaspoons of cream of tartar
2 tablespoons of oil
2 cups of water
food coloring or koolaid mix (the non sugar kind)

In 2 cups of water, mix in the food coloring or koolaid (it is easier to mix the color in the water than in the dough itself).

In a big pot, pour in the flour, salt, cream of tartar, oil, and water mix.

Put the stove on MEDIUM heat (it is very important that it is on MEDIUM heat) That's half way to all of you non cooks!

As it is cooking, stir and stir and stir. Use a tablespoon because the playdough gets really tough! I used a wooden spoon and it broke on me so beware! lol

It will look like slime at first but then it will get lumpy. Once it is lumpy, you will see the dough come together and start looking like playdough.

Once it becomes solid, take it out of the fire. Place on counter to cool.

As it cools, kneed the playdough. This step is very important!

Keep kneeding every 10 minutes until it has cooled down completely.

Once it has cooled down, store the playdough in a air-tight container.

Make sure there is no water or that it is humid.

It is very important that the playdough is really cool because once stored in a container and it is warm or hot, condensation will happen and this will ruin the playdough!

Try this at home and let me know what you think!

Charity Rocks

I started knitting recently.  I cannot tell you how much I enjoy it!  I decided to use my newly developed skills into good use.  Every year, I raise money for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  I participate in their Light the Night Walk.  Last year, my team raised over $2,000.  This year I personally want to raise $500.

I started making my daughter headbands to match her dresses. I would take my knitting stuff and knit while she was in dance class.  The other mothers were curious as to what I was doing and when I showed them, they literally started throwing money at me so I can make some for their daughters.  Before I knew it, I had requests for more headbands.  I felt kind of guilty taking people's money but they insisted.  So I did the next best thing, I decided to donate it to my favorite charity.

Check out my facebook page I made for all of my knitted creations!  It's called Knits for Charity by Raquel.  Follow the link below and don't forget to "like" my page!


Thanks for stopping by my blog.  My name is Raquel, a stay at home mother of one.  I started this blog to post some of my creations that I have made or am making.  I also like to post information and events for parents out there.